Sunday, April 26, 2009

Graphic Standards

I am not sure what shape/style my graphics standards manual will take yet but I have taken into consideration the things that will go into it.

Use of logo:
- always appears in logo type when not used in body copy
- appears in arial when with-in body copy
- appears in tan (C=18 M=25 Y=35 K=0) lt. tan (C=4 M=4 Y=27 K=0) or the blue-gray (C=25 M=8 Y=0 K=78)
- never appears smaller than 1/4" or larger than 3"

- Georgia
- tagline appears in: Georgia bold italic

- Main 4 colors: tan, blue-gray, dark brown and light blue-gray
- secondary colors: red, light tan, dark tan, brown, and medium blue-gray
- the tans are more to represent the use of the colors of the papers that Menno materials are printed on
- the red is used as an accent color on menno materials
- the blue-grays are used as a compliment to add depth and tranquility to the brand message

Other than that I am not 100% sure what I need. I think I should define something for the use of my images, however since this was an element that I introduced towards the end of the last project I am not totally sure how I want these to be defined in a standard sense.


1 comment:

  1. Good start. Hopefully the examples shown in class helped clarify what you need. In terms of your photographs, consider the standards as the context, coloring, and mood. We talked about this in class last week (i.e., inclusion of hands, perspective of viewer) so now it's just a matter of choosing the images that reflect the Menno story and labeling them as such in your standards manual. (CDes manual does this too).
