For my system I decided that the tradition
al Business card, envelope letterhead was a good place to start. Through conversation with Ange I decided that these types of things would be best used after you already have clients, but how would I use this system to draw clients in? I mentioned the idea of going to a trade show and that being a way to bring in clients. The idea of having a folder as a giveaway that would have some informational materials and things to draw people in.
This folder will have the logo on the front, simple and plain. Inside the folder on the left side will be a welcome letter telling about Menno and what we can do for you. On the right side will be a tall handout that ha tips for saving money in your home and the business card of the person working at the trade show (or handing out the folder in any situation).
Below is the business card template and the colors that I am using throughout the identity. Its a rough start, but it is what I am looking at as a direction.

My initial reaction is to place the menno wordmark and blue shape at the bottom of your materials, in order to reinforce the sense of stability and grounding that menno provides. Right now it feels a bit top-heavy and overwhelming, which is not the feeling you want to convey to your audience!