After going through critique in class last Wednesday I knew I needed to come up with a better suited name. I did some searching into Greek and Latin words for home or house. I also looked at lesser known languages and what their words for house or home were. How people would read and speak the word was a concern, so I stayed away from really complicated or long words. After picking my favorites, I asked a few people what they thought and picked a Greek word.
The new company name is Meno, and the "o" has one of the triangle (^) accents above it. I liked the metaphor that gave to the visual look of the word. I also liked that while people might pronounce it differently, it is pretty straight foreword. The word itself means "stay at home, stay where one is, to be lasting, remain, stand" which I felt fit perfectly with the idea and mission of my company.
To give a better idea of what my company is here is a couple personas of people that might come to us:
Persona 1
A young couple, married for a couple years looking to buy their first home. They are new to the housing market, and eager to own their own home. They are both smart and intelligent people but don't know a lot about owning their own home. They want to make sure they can truly afford the home they want to purchase and know how to manage their finances so they don't ever run the risk of going into foreclosure. They have a consult, learn about energy and cost saving things they can do in their home and get some informational materials they can easily have on hand in their home.
Persona 2
A single parent with two kids. They (he or she) work full time and barely make it by month to month. As a result, they have accumulated a lot of credit card debt and are starting to get behind on their mortgage payments. They know that they need to do something soon to try and turn it around or they will be loosing their home. He or she comes in for a consult, they go over her home situation and where she could be saving money. They look at financial statements and figure out how they can save money and to make sure they can pay their mortgage. They also figure out what he/she can do to start chipping away at the credit card debt.
Persona 3
An older couple has lived in the same house for 30-40 years. They raised their kids there and while the house is in decent condition, it is older and a little too big for just two people. They have both been retired for years and now the husband has decided to take a low paying job just to help with their bills. The house is paid for, but they are behind on their bills and medical payments for their daily medications are starting to pile up. Their biggest asset is their house and living off Social Security and a very low paying job just isn't cutting it anymore. They are in serious danger of loosing their house. They come in for a consult and we discover that the biggest attachment to the house is emotional. After getting background on them and doing some research we recommend several apartments, condos or assisted living that would suit their lifestyle and budget. We assist them in doing some repairs in their current home so it will sell faster. They managed to not have their home taken away from them, but they did have to move and now they are managing their bills and budget much better in a housing situation better suited for them.
These examples are the types of people that could come in to our company as well as the types of services we would provide.
We really are a full service agency where people can come to at any point in the life of their home. We want to help people avoid the trauma and stress that a home can cause by helping them at any point they are at with any needs that need to be met. If we cannot supply those things ourselves we will recommend a good place that they can go to get those services.
Brand attributes and associations with home: home, convenience, helpful, moral, ethical, loving, caring, kind, approachable, friendly, family, people, money saving, nature, security, memories, peace, comfort, status